척추질환(목, 허리), 근육관절질환(어깨, 손, 무릎, 발목 및 발, 팔꿈치 등), 신경계질환, 안면질환(안면마비, 안면경련, 안면감각이상), 수술후 재활, 교통사고 증후군 및 스포츠 손상
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- Systemic Analgesic Effects of Electroacupuncture in Healthy Individuals: Thermal Threshold, Acupuncture Sensation Intensity, and De-qi on Quantitative Sensory Test. Altern Ther Health Med. 2023.
- Thermal properties of warm-versus heated-needle acupuncture. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2022, 2022.
- Comparative effectiveness of different acupuncture therapies for neck pain. Medicine, 2022, 101.33: e29656.
- Moxibustion for treating cancer‐related fatigue: a multicenter, assessor‐blinded, randomized controlled clinical trial. Cancer medicine, 2021, 10.14: 4721-4733.
- Efficacy of Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng) for middle-aged and moderate level of chronic fatigue patients: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Complementary therapies in medicine, 2020, 48: 102246.
- Effectiveness and safety of electrical moxibustion for knee osteoarthritis: a multicenter, randomized, assessor-blinded, parallel-group clinical trial. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 2020, 53: 102523. 외 다수