
  • 병원안내
  • 의료진소개
  • 김근우 교수



각종스트레스질환, 떨림, 공황장애, 만성두통, 불면, 우울증, 치매, 파킨슨, 화병, 시험 및 발표 불안, 사회공포증, 분노조절장애, 주의집중력 장애, 심인성 어지러움


  • 동국한방병원 전공의 수료
  • 前 동국대 한의대 부학장
  • 前 동국대 한의대 대학원 주임교수
  • 前 대한한방신경정신과 학회장
  • 前 한의사 국가고시 위원
  • 前 장기요양 중앙심의위원
  • 前 성남시 노인장기요양 등급판정위원
  • 前 경기도 한의사회 학술부회장
  • 現 동국대학교 한의과대학 한의학과 교수
  • 現 동국대학교 분당한방병원장


  • 한방 신경정신과 학회
  • 대한 스트레스학회


  • 불안장애 한의표준임상진료지침
  • 화병 100문 100답
  • 전간치료영험방(癲癎治療靈驗方) (번역서)
  • 중서의학 결합 정신병치료(中西醫學結合 精神病治療) (번역서)


  • Effectiveness and Safety of Pattern Identification-Based Herbal Medicine for Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Integr Complement Med. 2023;29(10):605-620.
  • Effect of Korean Medical Treatment on Patients with Insomnia and Analysis of Correlation among Psychological Scale Changes: A Retrospective Chart Review. J of Oriental Neuropsychiatry. 2023; 34(3) 151-161.
  • Efficacy and safety evaluation of adjuvant auricular acupuncture for smoking cessation: A study protocol of randomized, assessor-blinded, pragmatic pilot trial. Medicine (Baltimore). 2022;101(43):e31456
  • Neoline Improves Memory Impairment and Reduces Amyloid-β Level and Tau Phosphorylation Through AMPK Activation in the Mouse Alzheimer’s Disease Model. J Alzheimers Dis. 2021;81(2):507-516.
  • A Case of Korean Medicine Treatment for a Patient with Somatic Symptom Disorder Hospitalized after a Traffic Accident. J of Oriental Neuropsychiatry. 2021; 32(1), 67-79.
  • Neurofeedback self-regulating training in patients with Post traumatic stress disorder: A randomized controlled trial study protocol. Integr Med Res. 2020;9(4):100464.
  • Patterns of Integrative Korean Medicine Practice for Anxiety Disorders: A Survey among Korean Medicine Doctors (KMDs) in Korea. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2020:3140764.
  • In Vitro Screening of Traditional Medicinal Herbs Combined with Donepezil for Neuroprotective Effects in SH-SY5Y Cells. J of Oriental Neuropsychiatry. 2019;30(3):199-207.
  • A Review on Clinical Research Trends in the Treatment of Tai Chi on Anxiety. J of Oriental Neuropsychiatry. 2019 Sep 30;30(3):275–85
  • A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials on Chuna Manual Therapy for Cervicogenic Headache. J of Oriental Neuropsychiatry. 2019;30(2):89–105.


  • 불안장애의 한의표준임상진료지침 개발 및 임상연구 (보건복지부 주관) 책임연구자
  • 근거기반 금연 한의표준임상 경로 개발

