척추질환재활, 마비질환재활, 관절질환재활, 비만클리닉
- 경희대학교 한의과대학 졸업
- 경희대학교 한방병원 한방재활의학과 전공의 수료
- 동국대학교 분당한방병원 한방재활의학과 교수
- 前 동국대학교 분당한방병원 교육연구부장
- 前 동국대학교 분당한방병원 진료부장
- 前 동국대학교 분당한방병원 병원장
- 한방재활의학과학회
- 한방재활의학(공저) 제 5판
- Effect of Ultrasound Therapy at the ST11 on Sympathetic Nervous System Change: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study. Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation. 2023;33(4):167-84.
- Application of GB12 (Wangu) Acupoint in Dizziness: Case Series. Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation. 2023;33(2):95-103.
- Effect of Korean Herbal Medicine in a Patient with Sternal Fracture Caused by a Traffic Accident: A Case Report. Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation. 2022;32(3):153-60.
- Korean Medical Treatment Including Daoyin Exercise Therapy in Patient with Lower Back Pain Who Suffered from Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Case Report. Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation. 2022;32(1):63-72.
- Two Case of Symptomatic Schmorl’s Node: A Case Report and Literature Review. Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation. 2022;32(1):134-144.
- Three Cases of Cervical Vertigo Improved by Traditional Korean Medicine Treatment. Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation. 2022;32(1):145-155.
- Review Study on the Measurement Tools of Scoliosis: Mainly on Non-radiological Methods. Journal of Korean Medicine. 2021;42(1):75-98.
- Effect of Acupuncture at the Field of the Auricular Branch of the Vagus Nerve on Autonomic Nervous System Change. Journal of Korean Medicine. 2021;31(2):81-97
- The effectiveness and safety of Chuna manual therapy on scoliosis: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis. Meidicine. 2021;100:9(e24778).
- Effect of East-West Integrative Rehabilitation on Activities of Daily Living and Cognitive Functional Recovery in Stroke Patients: A Retrospective Study. Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation. 2020;30(2):105-23.
- 前 한방재활의학과학회 학회장
- 前 동국대학교 분당한방병원 병원장